Sunday, February 27, 2011

From 12/2/10 - Living with Ease

Dharma Talk with Erick Kolvic:

May I be happy
May I be safe from inner and outer harm
May I live with ease

Its hard to enjoy overactivity in our lives. The importance of slowing down. The inner reality is reflected in the outer.

I would like to come to the end of this life and feel I made the right choices.

Its easy to be distracted. There is a fear of what might come up in the silence and stillness.

Its now average for people to work 52 hours a week! Massive amounts of info come in. Tremendous stimulation. Without time for the reflection of knowledge, there isn't much time for wisdom.

Our external reality makes living with ease more difficult. Making clear choices around this subject of overactivity is difficult. To say about ever single activity, "Is this really imporant?" "Is this really liberating?" "Is this useful to me to simplify?"
This is all extremely important for me to remember because I do tend to do too much!

To make the choices of letting things go in a way that feels like a gift rather than a depreciation. Then there is more space for the more wholesome. To enjoy the quality rather than the quantity of things.

Space for:
Emotional and mental health
learning another language

May I live with Ease:
I will do what is necessary to bring myself happiness.
I will protect myself in wholesome ways
I will do all that I can to support my mental and physical health
I will do what is necessary to come to an ease in my life. I will be easy on myself.

Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"

I do know how to pay attention. To gradually let go of all the activity that causes stress. and you will know if its working because you will feel more balanced. Maintaining mindfulness in the activity you do keep!

If we are not identified with what is happening, it has a very different and limited impact.

Learning to say, "at this moment, I can't help you." Learning to be more balanced with saying no and giving time to yourself.

We as individuals can't be there for all people all the time. Stop, just breath for 15 seconds and let go of the tension.

The degree to which you're responding to someone out of compassion rather than out of anxiety to please.

Insight Meditation Society in Barry, MA; town motto is - tranquil and alert

Holding tranquility and alertness in balance.

To be compassionate with yourself as you work on making choices to cut down and simplify.

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