Sunday, September 20, 2009

From 7/4/09

Matt Costa on Pandora radio right now. Sun shining through my window. A cup of hot ginger tea and David Sedaris "When you are Engulfed by Flames" by my side. Happy Freedom Day. And I'm house sitting free to do as I please. Can I believe this is where I'm staying? It seems to come in waves, the eb and flow of abundance. I love the community of friends here. Sometimes I can be so reckless and risky. Sometimes I can go so fast. Its good to just be quiet and write in this big, beautiful home.

I am floating.
This music is carrying me
To the faraway nearby
Lying on a pillow on the floor
Of someone else's living room
On the Fourth of July
Someone else's stereo 
Feeding my Macbook Pro.
No signal states the T.V. Screen.
No signal is my signal is it?
Piano notes, wish I could play.
Not right now, but someday.

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