Monday, October 5, 2009

From The 29th of September, hiking with aspens

Went for a gorgeous hike with Kelly today through the changing aspen and here and there patches of snow. Absolutely stunning peace and majesty. Unusual 70 degrees up in those mountains and an unbelievable number of people out enjoying their sunday. Good to see. On the drive home, I think the topic of mean and angry people came up somehow. Kelly said she likes being her. "You're stuck with you all the time," she said. Its true. And if you really think about that, why would you possibly put up with being a mean and angry you when you don't have to? I am so grateful I am me. And I got to be with me on 7 miles or so of Pecos Wilderness trail with someone who likes being her too.

I keep experiencing deja-vu today. Its happened four times. I think that happens when transitions are taking place. Kinda strange. Is mercury still in retrograde? Does that make any difference? I swear, this month, I've been loosing things and forgetting things and leaving room for distraction. I also had a very weird, real dream last night that I am remembering right now. I don't remember it all, only splices. On a boat with a young girl who is making people disappear, but not in a malicious way. And one guy on the boat is someone I knew from my volunteer experience in England two years ago. She makes this guy disappear and he ends up simultaneously in two new places: in one instance, he is a performer in a strange play and in another, he is a carnivorous dinosaur in a landscape that looks like New Mexico, the meadow where I went hiking today - before I even saw it. And the dinosaur is laying eggs. Maybe all this is just the cause of karaoke, movie size boxes of reces pieces, hula hoops, and cat-faced spiders too close to bedtime the night before? In any event, its fun to record. 

Also, this morning, I saw my first black widow. Nicole pointed her out to me. She was crawling along the siding of our house. Her sticky web spans the crevice between flower pot and ground. There are spiders everywhere this time of year. Great, I've probably set myself up for some new and crazy dream tonight!

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