Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6/14/11 Sitting and asking

The sit that stands out most, is, again, the one I experienced after the intensely busy afternoon on Tuesday. I experienced such a longing to unite with stillness after that day and so I had a much deeper sit because of that. That whole concept about the stronger the need, the stronger the asking, and the stronger the results. There is a quote from the Abraham Hicks c.d. that I revisited a few months ago in Guatemala when I felt disconnected that comes to mind again now: “In the midst of what you like the least, you are often doing your best, most poignant asking. Contrast causes you to ask, you are doing some of your best creating because you are doing your most clear, perfect asking and the larger, non-physical part of you then becomes the vibrational equivalent of what you’ve asked for.” I am actually in the midst of something I am loving very much. But I am asking for a way to remain unattached to fear/anxious-thoughts that pop up during times of stress, tiredness and deadlines because if I can’t find a way to do that than I am in the midst of something I don’t like. I know that part of what I am here to learn is how to do that connecting in my working everyday life. I am also learning to stop resisting when I do feel stressed and that helps. I realize that it is my expectations that design should be creative/a-ha/fun all the time that causes my suffering. The next day I let that expectation go, and, what do you know? I appreciated getting one production related item done at a time and enjoyed the satisfaction of accomplishing that in and of itself.

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