Sunday, November 4, 2012

Love and Forgiveness Journal Notes from 9/5/12

Notes, reflections and quotes from the book "calling in the One" by Katherine Woodward Thomas

Listening to my heart will in turn strengthen my ability to listen to others.

"Magic, syncronicities, connectedness only happen when one is fully present and available to what is so, and not preoccupied with what is not."

What do I think are the qualities of love?:
kindness, respect, generosity, giving, receiving, gratitude, openness, acceptance, flexibility, tolerance, compassion, unassumingness, non-judgmental, both/and thinking, appreciative, peace, in touch, grounded, joyful, patience, empathy, passion, aliveness, honesty, truth, attentiveness/listening, helpful, awareness, centered, playful/fun-loving, curious, child-like, inclusive/bringing together, creativity, richness/fullness, responsiveness, sharing

"When you do come across irritating situations, ask your heart what love would do. Stretch yourself to become the most loving version of yourself possible by doing that which you believe love would do in that moment"

"Explore the needs and wants of your partner and treat each other's needs as though they were your own"

"Must be a strong 'me' in order to be a strong 'we'"

"Functional families allow for the individuality of each member. People are free to express their needs, wants and feelings."

What is my attitude toward marriage?

What is it about marriage that I might want?
To share the journey of deepening one's awareness of self with another and to be mutually challenged , supported, nurtured, respected, encouraged, helped in an intentionally sacred space and union where each of us feels safe enough to do that and to be vulnerable with one another. That we meet in the maybe zone as much as possible.

What is it about marriage that I might fear?
That it becomes too rigid, defined as yes and no. I don't really fear much actually. Maybe feeling limited to grow and deepen and express myself creatively. The fear of merging overly with the other to the extent of loosing myself and my creative focus.

"Deep wounds require more than 1 pass at forgiveness before they can be truly healed. Forgiveness is more of a process than an event. An ongoing practice. True forgiveness is an expression of the heart that must be arrived at honestly and organically. Forgiveness is to offer no resistance to life - to allow life to live through you. When it comes to forgiving ourselves, we must note that it is really our ego, our false and fragile self that becomes indignant by our mistakes."

"The wise forgive, but do not forget"

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