Monday, September 15, 2008

Lucy and Conner at Freddie's

Went to Freddie's last night for the first time with a few friends I hadn't seen in 4 months time. We decided on Freddie's partly because you can bring your dogs and sit outside. Lots of stimulation for the dogs, maybe too much. Kids on trees, every table full, a band on stage.

So, Meredith brought her dog Conner and I learned a new breed. Conner is a Belgian Turveran, sometimes called a Belgian Shepherd. Had I not known he was a purebred something or other, I would have guessed collie/shepherd. He also looks a bit fox. Collie shaped head, long nose and fur.  Fox-like tale and soft little ears. A statuesque shepherd body and the ability to bark deeply and threatenly even when he doesn't mean any harm.

I miss my family's dogs, so I always enjoy hanging out with other people's pets. Lindsey brought her black, short haired dachshund, Lucy. Conner and Lucy are best friends despite their size difference.

A long-haired dachshund walks by on a leash. Lucy goes over to say hi, but abruptly runs a way scared, causing laughter from both owners. Conner barks, prompting Meredith to say, "Its like having a child that screams at other children."

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