Sunday, September 20, 2009

From September 4th 2009

Transition is coming. I'm wrapping things up here and finishing my pouring in so I can pour out.

More quotes from "Walking on Alligators"

"We live to be startled, to have our eyes opened in an unexpected way. Books do this for us, are reread, discussed, and eventually taught. What surprises can you bring to your readers?" (64)

"What we can do is set limits, and respect them without agonizing over them. Sketch out the bounderies to your research. What will constitute a responsible review of the material available? How much time do you have? How far can you reasonably expect to get done?" (75)

"Fear of Failure is much worse than Failure itself" (86)

I love this: "We tend to know where our gifts are trying to take us, but where are your limitations trying to take you? Which misfortune in your life - physical, relational, work-related - is trying to enrich your writing?"(123)

"...your writing creates an observer, the reader. It gives that reader a chance to see things through your eyes." (129)

"Little minds are interested in teh extraordinary; great minds in the common place."
-Elbert Hubbard

"I will be comfortable with groping in the dark. Others have come before me. I will accept that this is the way discovery works." (175).

All of this can be applied to any sort of creative work. Its interesting to read design from a writer's creativity perspective. And I love to write. 

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