Sunday, September 20, 2009

house sitting

From 6/28
How am I here in this beautiful space? Quiet, except for trees rustling outside. In a huge room full of philosophical books, elegant furniture. I am sitting on a high southwestern bed commanded by a red/black/grey Pendleton wool blanket and 8 pillows. Fine art photography. A bathroom with new mexican style tile sink and walls. A basket of soaps from hotels around the planet. Warm, chestnut-toned vigas creaking with every sweep of wind. How am I here? I am unbelievably grateful to be here. It hardly seems real. Why the slight sadness? Is it because of the awareness of how ephemeral and fleeting this time is? Enjoy being here. There is nothing but the present moment. I'm excited to house sit for Ted and Wendy next week, a house to myself another time. I'm excited for my dad to visit. I am saying yes to life.

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